A few months ago, I had stumbled on this website which makes hilarious
parodies of Broadway shows. The first one I ever red was Les Miserables.
I thought I would just post the link on my blog, but I thought it would
be better to copy and paste it here because I could edit language.
I don't own anything. Enjoy!
LES MISERABLES ABRIDGED OR "HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE THE FRENCH" A "Broadway Abridged" Script That We've Been Meaning To Write Since 1862 By Gil Varod and Jennifer Jordan SCENE: AN EMPTY STAGE. Stark, 80s-British-MegaMusical lighting. A French CHAIN GANG enters and sings in outlandish British accents. CHAIN GANG LOOK DOWN LOOK DOWN OH, PRISON LIFE IS DEAD! WE DON'T HAVE TOOLS WE HAVE TO MIME INSTEAD. LOOK DOWN AND GROAN MAKE JERKY MOVEMENTS. RHYME. WHY CAN'T I TELL WHAT TOOLS THESE ARE I MIME? Enter JAVERT. JAVERT Now bring me prisoner number 2468Ten. JEAN VALJEAN It is Javert, my nemesis! JAVERT COMMENCE EXPOSITION, 2468Ten! JEAN VALJEAN I was imprisoned because I stole bread to feed my sister's baby, both of whom we will never mention in this musical ever again! So you see, I was a GOOD SYMPATHETIC CHARACTER and was imprisoned unjustly! JAVERT And you were imprisoned for five years for that! And THEN, fourteen MORE because you tried to run! JEAN VALJEAN AND JAVERT (in unison) OH HOW PAINFUL IT WAS TO LIVE IN THE TIME OF FRANCE WHEN EVERYBODY HAD REVOLUTIONS! JAVERT Prisoner 2468Ten, you are free to no longer provide exposition. Javert hands a PIECE OF PRISONER PAPER to Jean Valjean. JEAN VALJEAN What is this? JAVERT It's a piece of paper. You show it to people who want to hire you, and this way they know you were a prisoner. (exits) Jean Valjean tries to find a job. SMELLY FRENCH GUY WITH BRITISH ACCENT Yes, I'll hire you. JEAN VALJEAN Excellent. I'll just give you this piece of PRISONER PAPER here-- SMELLY FRENCH GUY WITH BRITISH ACCENT You have PRISONER PAPER? I can't very well hire you! JEAN VALJEAN Oh, poor people in France had/have it tough! SMELLY FRENCH GUY WITH BRITISH ACCENT You know, you could consider just not giving me the PRISONER PAPER. JEAN VALJEAN I cannot do that; it would betray the same strong moral values that led me to illegally feed my sister and her dead, dead baby. And I HAVE to uphold my strong moral values. (to passing by Priest) Oh hi Priest! SCENE: MONASTERY. PRIEST So here's the deal. I'm going to let you stay here in this monastery. Here's a delicious rack of lamb, and you get to sleep in the ROOM OF PRECIOUS SILVER AND OTHER EXTRAVAGANT EXAMPLES OF THE CHURCH'S WEALTH. Nite-nite! JEAN VALJEAN Must uphold strong moral values, must uphold strong moral values, must-- Heck, who am I kidding. (grabbing all of the silver) YOINK! (sung very high) RUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRIEST POLICE! SCENE: THE PART OF FRANCE THAT LOOKS LIKE A TURNTABLE. Enter a bunch of policemen in bunny slippers and pajamas. POLICE CHIEF Jean Val... (yawns) Jean Valjean, you're under arrest for stealing the church! JEAN VALJEAN Stealing *from* the Church. POLICE CHIEF I ask the question here. JEAN VALJEAN I didn't ask a question. POLICE CHIEF (yawns) Paul-Claude! Get me my elaborate police chief hat! It enters. It's AWESOME. SCENE: MONASTERY. POLICE CHIEF Go ahead, tell his reverence your story about how he gave this to you as a "gift". PRIEST But I did give this as a gift... I just forgot to give him these WEIGHTED OBJECTS as well. (hands him silver candlesticks) POLICE CHIEF What? PRIEST Yes, thank you for apprehending him so I could-- POLICE CHIEF You said he stole. PRIEST Well surely-- POLICEMAN #2 My wife was woken up at three in the morning for you. POLICEMAN #3 My poor consumptive french children can't get back to their slumber! POLICEMAN #2 Capital F in French. POLICEMAN #3 Ah yes. PRIEST But you see, I was teaching him a lesson. A beat. Then a beatdown. POLICE CHIEF (whilst beating) STUPID HOUSE OF GOD, MAKING ME FEEL MORALLY GUILTY *AND* WAKING ME UP IN THE MORNING! Jean Valjean escapes. JEAN VALJEAN This meaningful incident has made me realize the error of my ways. I'm going to start again, and to prove it, I'm going to RIP UP THE PRISONER PAPER that for NO REASON I decided to show to every potential employer! PRISONER PAPER (gets ripped up, is symbolic somehow) RANDOM GUY CONVENIENTLY WALKING BY Hey there, you don't look like someone who has any PRISONER PAPER or anything. Want to help me invent GOLD? SCENE: THE FUTURE. But not really the future, just ahead ten years. POOR PEOPLE LIFE IS TOUGH! LIFE IS TOUGH! WORKING IN A FACTORY IN FRANCE BEFORE SOCIALIST PARTIES AND ANARCHISTS PLAYED A PROMINENT ROLE IN FORMING AND BUILDING UP TRADE UNIONS FROM THE 1870S ONWARD IS HARD! FOREMAN Who's next? FANTINE PRO-V I'm ready for my yearly wage. FOREMAN Here's your wage, minus your "You Didn't Let Me Fornicate With You" penalty. FANTINE PRO-V No, please give me the money! I need it to feed my fatherless daughter who I sent away because I hate children. FOREMAN What? You have a kid? You AREN'T a virgin and you STILL won't sleep with me! (closes the wooden box dramatically) You're fired! FANTINE PRO-V Oh well. No other jobs in the universe. Better take up prostitution. VENEREAL DISEASES Come, sleep with us for money! FANTINE PRO-V Oh, what a cautionary tale! (sings) I DREAMED A DREAM THAT I DIDN'T GET PREGNANT AH WHAT A WONDERFUL FANTASY! Suddenly, a crappy large setpiece FALLS ON A GUY! A GUY Help! I got run over by this VERY SLOW MOVING CART! JAVERT That is BAD! Enter Jean Valjean. He has completely abandoned his former life of lying and thieving, instead using his effort to SOMEHOW BECOME THE MAYOR, effectively showcasing how incredibly easy it is to succeed if you GIVE UP a life of crime, say STEALING or USING YOUR MOM'S GROCERY MONEY TO HUFF GLUE. Just think about it, Jimmy. JEAN VALJEAN (reacting to A GUY) I'll save you! Valjean convinces nobody that he is STRUGGLING while lifting the STYRAFOAM CART. JAVERT Wow, I don't know anybody who can convince nobody that they're struggling to lift a piece of styrafoam like that... EXCEPT FOR JEAN VALJEAN! But we're about to execute a Jean Valjean that we just caught, so whatevs. JEAN VALJEAN You can't execute Jean Valjean, because Jean Valjean... IS ME! (opens shirt, reveals that it says 2468Ten) IT'S MY PRISONER TATOO! JAVERT Um... We don't... Do that... (looks closer) Is this finger paint?!? JEAN VALJEAN (sung very high) RUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! SCENE: HOSPITAL. Jean Valjean enters in on Pro-V. FANTINE PRO-V (dying) Oh Cosette, come here and let your crazy blind it-hurts-when I-pee mother take care of you. JEAN VALJEAN She's not here. You're delusional because you have Gonorrhea. FANTINE PRO-V It's Syphilis. JEAN VALJEAN We never really specify. It seems to be the same disease that Lucy, Kim, Charity and other musical females have: HOOKER WITH A HEART OF GOLD. FANTINE PRO-V Who the heck are you? JEAN VALJEAN I'm the man who looked on while my morally corrupt Foreman fired you, and then did nothing while you fell to a life as a prostitute, ultimately contracting the fatal, crusty disease that will cause you to die in about six, seven minutes tops. FANTINE PRO-V Oh. (pause) Will you raise my child? Fantine gets beamed up to heaven. FANTINE PRO-V WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Enter Javert. JAVERT Valjean, at last-- JEAN VALJEAN Cut the crap. FIGHT! JAVERT Bring it! They sing at the same time a lot. THIS is how MEN fight in a MUSICAL! SCENE: HOUSE OF THERNARDIER, A.K.A. "SO THIS IS WHAT THE SHAKESPEAREAN CLOWN HAS EVOLVED INTO" A little girl enters and sings about how absolutely cute it is when little girls sing about how absolutely cute it is when little... COSETTE (singing) BUY A SHIRT OF ME! Enter two characters to bring much needed HUMOR to the hysterical issue of CHILD ABUSE. MME. THERNARDIER Cosette, I'm so glad we've enslaved you to keep you down in the cellar where you have to filter your own pee to drink. AUDIENCE Ha ha ha ha! I love the Thernardiers! THERNARDIER (to a customer) Here you go sir. I've created this dinner for you which, though you're not aware of it, includes ingredients like cat, spit, and curious short curly hair! AUDIENCE THOSE TWO ARE HILARIOUS! AH HA HA HA HA! MME. THERNARDIER I wish I wasn't fat and that I had married a man who had a sufficient male member! Also, other crude jokes about my husband's poor performance in bed! AUDIENCE I JUST WANT TO TAKE THE THERNARDIERS HOME WITH ME! PRODUCER CAMERON MACKINTOSH (with figurines, hats, novelty socks) Now you can! Enter LOTTERY-WINNING MAYOR. JEAN VALJEAN I have a kajillion dollars. Here. Gimme Cosette. THERNARDIERS Sure stranger, do whatever you want. JEAN VALJEAN (to Cosette) Cosette, now you're my daughter. COSETTE Yay! Scruffy stranger, I love you immediately! SCENE: SKIPPING THROUGH TIME FASTER THAN A WHIRLING TURNTABLE OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM Enter Javert. JAVERT (singing) THERE... THERE ARE SOME STARS... I'M SO MUCH LIKE THEM... DON'T ASK ME HOW! THIS I SWEAR BY SOME STARS! SCENE: PARIS? MAYBE. Half-way into the musical seems like an *exceptional* time to introduce every main character! We are introduced to them by an annoying little kid: GAVROCHE `Ello govnah! I'm a plucky li'il street ga'min, so b'sure to fall `n luv w't m' now b'fuh I get blewn t'bits! Blimey! EPONINE I love you Marius! MARIUS I don't notice. I love that girl that just walked by! COSETTE (just walked by) I love Marius, and am conflicted about abandoning my elderly father for him! JEAN VALJEAN I'm elderly now! My beard is WHITE! But I still can lift my weight in Mariuses! ENJOLRAS I'm Enjolras! Try pronouncing my name! YOU CAN'T! THUD! Well look at that. A barricade just fell! MARIUS Wait, now I'M conflicted about whether to fight in a war that I haven't quite yet figured out the specifics or motivation of, or to chase after that girl I just saw that suddenly I'm in love with! COSETTE My name is Cosette! MARIUS Oh it's so embarrassing, I don't even know your name! COSETTE Cosette! MARIUS Will I EVER learn her name? COSETTE Idiot. ENJOLRAS Get serious, Marius, it's wartime, and General Lamarque is dead. MARIUS Lamwhat? ENJOLRAS You haven't heard of him and we won't bother explaining, but put faith in the fact that it's VITALLY IMPORTANT TO THE REST OF THE PLOT AND THE REASON I WILL DIE. Come sing a wartime song with us now. MARIUS Okay. ENJOLRAS (singing) RED! GANG THE COLOR OF SOME BLOOD! ENJOLRAS BLACK! GANG THE COLOR OF NOT WHITE! ENJOLRAS RED! GANG THE COLOR OF... SOME... TWIZZLERS LICORICE? ENJOLRAS (despondent) Black. GANG THE COLOR OF... UMM... STUDENT #1 Charcoal? STUDENT #2 Graphite from a pencil! STUDENT #3 Also licorice! But not twizzlers, a different one. ENJOLRAS (British) Wankers. TOMORROW WE WILL DIE AWFUL, GRUESOME DEATHS! EVERYONE comes out on stage and screams at the top of their lungs at the same time. JEAN VALJEAN TOMORROW IS IMPENDING! ENJOLRAS TOMORROW HAS MEANINGFUL MEANING! JAVERT (what we always thought the real lyric was:) ONE MORE DAY TILL REVOLUTION WE WILL NIP IT IN THE BUD I WILL JOIN THESE LITTLE SCHOOLBOYS. THEY WILL WET THEMSELVES! JEAN VALJEAN I AM SINGING! ENJOLRAS I AM SINGING WHILE HE IS SINGING! EVERYBODY (together marching idiotically) I AM SINGING WHILE SHE IS SINGING WHILE HE IS SINGING AND HOT DANG ISN'T THIS DRAMATICALLY EFFECTIVE! Curtain falls. SCENE: EPONINE'S PATHETIC PSYCHE. Enter a very beautiful girl playing the novel's ugliest most-toothless character. EPONINE Come on 14 year old girls, hold hands and sing along! (singing) ON MY OWN THERE ONCE WAS A GUY I LIKED A LOT EXCEPT HE DIDN'T LIKE ME BA-ACK AND I CRIED I WISH THAT HE HAD LIKED ME AND THAT IS WHY I SYMPATHIZE WITH EPONINE WHEN SHE'S SHOT. Adolescent girls everywhere sing it at Sweet Sixteens. If you encounter one of these girls, please feel free to give them a sharp flick of their earlobes, on behalf of the authors. SCENE: BACK AT THE BARRICADE. JAVERT appears disguised as a student, holding Gen Chem textbooks and wearing a Phi Delta Alpha shirt tied at the waist. JAVERT What's up guys! I'm so totally all about your decision to overthrow the government for whatever reasons you seem to have that maybe you never really figured out! Can I infiltrate your awesome club? MARIUS We *do* need somebody to find out their attacks and the like. ENJOLRAS (pointing at Javert) Yeah, we can trust him, he's old! GAVROCHE You can't trust him... He's INSPECTOR JAVERT! ENJOLRAS ... GAVROCHE The BAD GUY! ENJOLRAS Oh. Everybody ties him up. Kinky. MARIUS Sigh, can't trust old men... So who's gonna execute him? Jean Valjean enters. ENJOLRAS (pointing at Valjean) We can trust HIM! He's OLD! Suddenly Eponine runs over the barricade and is shot! EPONINE Marius! I died so I could give you a letter from Cosette! MARIUS You poor pathetic mess-up. It suddenly starts to rain. MARIUS Wow, I gotta protect you from the rain. EPONINE Jesus, forget the rain. I'm DYING. MARIUS Oh, poor Eponin-- She FINALLY dies and is beamed up to heaven. Rain suddenly (and conveniently) stops. MARIUS (has completed his 2.5 seconds of caring about Eponine) OK, so who wants a drink? (flings Eponine's body to the ground) ENJOLRAS Yes, as your leader-ish person, I command EVERYBODY to get inebriated the night before a big battle. GAVROCHE I can't drink because I'm underage. ENJOLRAS Are you old enough to loot dead bodies for ammo? GAVROCHE Yes. ENJOLRAS Climb! Little adorable Gavroche climbs across the barricade but, just as Eponine was, is shot. In the head. Twice. Enter his many little French 8-year-old friends. LITTLE PIERRE Gavroche! Gav-- (is shot in the face) SACRE BLEU Oh no, how could-- (shot in the skull) DOUCHE OUI OUI My poor friends are dying! (shot in the undeveloped uhh...you-know-whats.) Thousands of little children appear on stage. A torrid bloodbath ensues. It is terrifying. Aren't you glad you saw a musical? LITTLE PIERRE (dying with a face of destroyed flesh) WAR IS BAD! (falls) Everybody keeps fighting. JEAN VALJEAN I'm gonna let you go, Javert. JAVERT I have a gun. I've spent my entire life with CHASING AFTER YOU on the backburner. JEAN VALJEAN Whatevs, `Vert. Go away. Javert runs across the barricades. Of course, he is not shot because he is not WOMEN or CHILDREN. LITTLE DEAD KIDS You suck. Suddenly, everybody dies except for Jean Valjean. The stage is awash in the light of heavenbeams. SCOTTY THERE'S TOO MANY CAPTAIN! I DON'T HAVE THE POWER! JEAN VALJEAN (looking at an almost-dead Marius) Hey, this is the kid who impregnated my fake daughter a few minutes ago! I ought to save him with my super old man strength! The decrepit old Valjean effortlessly slings the full-grown man over his back and jauntily sprints into a sewer. JEAN VALJEAN WHEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Dead bodies litter the ground. The barricade rotates to the other side to show those who died upon it. Then it rotates back to the first side again and, just like in the Legend of Zelda, all the dead bodies have blinked out of existence! Possible explanations: - LES MIS is actually a video game. - French People is Magic! SCENE: PARIS'S FAMOUS LABRINTHY SEWERS, REPRESENTED BY "NOT ENOUGH SET". Jean Valjean gets really tired and puts down the body of Marius, then goes to the side of the stage and instantaneously falls asleep for plot reasons. THERNARDIER (entering, taking a gold tooth from a dead body) I LIKE TO STEAL GOLD FROM CORPSES! AUDIENCE Hey... Weren't you the funny character? THERNARDIER I used to be. I got used up more than my daughter Eponine whose death I haven't noticed. AUDIENCE Wait, she's your daughter? THERNARDIER Yeah. AUDIENCE How can you tell? THERNARDIER If you can remember that Cosette is the grown up version of young Cosette, AND that when she was little there was a blonde girl who was our daughter and had no lines of dialogue, AND that she was sitting next to us for a minute during the first Paris scene, then it's EASY to put the dots together and realize that she's our daughter! AUDIENCE You're still not funny anymore. Suddenly, Jean Valjean wakes up, hoists Marius over his head, and jauntily skips along. He is BETTER NOW! SCENE: PLASTIC BRIDGE. JAVERT Oh wow, a guy who I casually pursued around a very small area of France for a few years has spared my life. Definitely a very good reason for killing myself. (jumps) FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!! He spins around a little bit while standing, then dives into the floor like it's a slip and slide. JAVERT Retarded. SCENE: WORST SONG EVER. Enter a bunch of women who died cross dressed as men on the barricade. They sing the song "TURNING". A joke definitely belongs here. But frankly, we're not quite sure what to do with "TURNING". (Apparently, neither were they.) SCENE: OTHER WORST SONG EVER. MARIUS This musical is definitely TOO SHORT and it's just FLYING BY! Let's take a moment to eulogize some minor characters we never bothered to get to know in the first place. (singing) THERE ARE CHAIRS AND THERE ARE TABLES THEY ARE MADE OF LOTS OF WOOD NOW MY FRIENDS ARE NOT ALIVE NOW THAT IS BAD, NO IT'S NOT GOOD. And finally, an hour and a half after having met him, we've CHARACTERIZED THE CHARACTER ONCE PLAYED BY MICHAEL BALL. SCENE: WEDDING. Marius and Cosette are getting married with all of their closest friends. Yes, somehow they have FRIENDS even though Cosette JUST MOVED THERE and all of Marius's friends DIED. Enter a pair of hideous outfits. MME. THERNARDIER We haven't evolved at all as characters throughout the passing of time or during our descent into poverty! THERNARDIER I haven't even aged half of what Jean Valjean has in the same time! MME. THERNARDIER Sh! Distract the dead-alive friends while I steal this expensive silverware and hide it inside my womanly genitals! AUDIENCE Yay Thernardiers! SCENE: JEAN VALJEAN IS DYING, SO THE MUSICAL *MUST* BE ENDING RIGHT? THEY CAN'T VERY WELL GO ON FOREVER. Jean Valjean lights a pair of weighted objects and waits to die. It takes awhile. CANDLESTICKS We were the items Jean Valjean stole about 3 hours ago, and we represent... We represent... WE REPRESENT! Yo. JEAN VALJEAN Gonna go die, Gonna go die, Goin' to da sky, Gonna go die. FANTINE PRO-V (a ghost) Hi Valjean. JEAN VALJEAN Hello, herpes lady! ;) FANTINE PRO-V It was syphillis. EPONINE (also a ghost) Hi Valjean. JEAN VALJEAN Wait, who are you? EPONINE Eponine. JEAN VALJEAN ... EPONINE Right, we never met. How awkward that God chose me to guide you to the next world. FANTINE PRO-V We're here to take you off to Heavenland. JEAN VALJEAN Really? Jeez, my children who abandoned me better show up soon to hear my whole life story all over again. MARIUS & COSETTE Hi, pops! COSETTE Father, I haven't seen you in years but we suddenly figured out where you were a few minutes before you die! MARIUS Your father wanted me to pretend I didn't know where he was. COSETTE But why, Papa? JEAN VALJEAN I was tired of you. Now, I have a story to tell you, about a man who stole a loaf of bread, and in that time, learned a very difficult lesson of how a hypothetical man ------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BANDWIDTH OVERLOAD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------ and that's why this Jean Valjean never got to have kids. So now that I've told you this story, who am I? (to Marius) WHO AM I? MARIUS Oh no, he's got Alzheimers. COSETTE Please father, don't die! JEAN VALJEAN I will obey.. I will try... (gets beamed up to heaven) COSETTE Papa, you didn't try hard enough! (cries) Suddenly, every dead character ever shows up. The stage is FILLED with dead people. MARIUS Oh no, ghosts... (to Cosette) And you and I are the only ones in all of France who didn't die! How depressing. COSETTE Marius, will you do the honors? MARIUS It's all that a loving husband can do. (beats Cosette with the weighted objects) COSETTE (the beam takes her to a very crowded heaven's waiting room whilst they maketh some spaceth for her) MARIUS Now it is I alone left. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (runs the candlestick through his own heart, is beamed to heaven) EVERYBODY (bleeding profusely) TO LOVE ANOTHER PERSON IS TO SEE THE FACE OF GOD! RED-AND-BLACKOUT.
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