Sunday, August 12, 2012

19th Century Writers

Is it just me, or are the authors from the 19th century some of the best? I don't think it's just me.

I recently read "The Phantom of the Opera" by Gaston Leroux. I just have one piece of advice: READ THIS BOOK. Good god! It was stunning! Although I do have to admit I'd prefer the musical, due to the confusion and daftness of certain characters in the book, it is highly recommended on my list. I shall indeed submit a review of this book in due time, but I loved the romance between Raoul and Christine, it seemed so much more real in the book due to Raoul's brother.

My favorite author of ALL TIME is Victor Hugo. I am slowly making my way through "The Brick" as the Les Miserables fans call it. Many people would tell you to read the book first. I disagree. I think you should see the musical first. The musical is amazing. You'll be blown away. Then, read the book, and it seems even more spectacular! Do it the other way around, and I believe you'll find that the book seems to long and rambling, and that the musical doesn't do it justice.

Now, don't get me started on 16th century authors...

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