Sunday, September 23, 2012

Me and Erik

I always like to think of myself as the Phantom of the Opera. Erik Destler. Because Erik is so close to my name, I've just started calling myself that. And I'm obsessed with the Ph.O. So I thought you might like this.

First, a little introduction:
In January, right after I watched Les Miserables, I got totally addicted to it. (I mean, who wouldn't? It's awesome.)
My parents helped me load almost all their musical CDs onto my iPod. Except the Barber of Seville. Darn.
But anyways, when I was talking to some of my POTO friends (at this time I didn't know the characters or ANYTHING) and there were two Christine Daaes. I was so confused. I thought the same person had made two or something. Anyways, I tried listening to the Phantom of the Opera, because that was one of the soundtrack I now had and was admiring the Overture because of the AWESOME organ part.
Then I listened to Think of Me. And then they said Christine Daae. And I was like "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH DUH!"
Well, from there I listened to the whole thing. I noted 3 things:
  1. The girls scream about everything. "EEK, a backdrop fell down!" "EEK, we're talking about a lasso!" "EEEEEEK, Christine you were awesome!"
  2. Carlotta's voice is really...uh....
  3. The Phantom sounds the awesomeist, acts the awesomeist, and is the awesomeist! 
So at night I started listening to the whole thing before I fell asleep. Well, not the whole thing. Just the Phantom parts. Phantom of the Opera, Music of the Night, both Notes! And Stranger Than You Dreamt it...I could list them all here but you'd get bored.
Then I went online to wikipedia and read the summary for the book.
Then I went online to wikipedia and read the summary for the musical because he dies in the book but in the musical he just disappears.
Then I saw the book on discount in Target and a bought it without hesitation!!!
Then I read the book and cried at the end.
Then I started singing along to all of his parts in the musical and found that I can make everything (except for the Music of the Night. That song is so freaking low!)
Then I started wishing I was a boy so I could sing the Phantom.
Then, seeing as I can't change genders, I thought that I could take voice lessons and help make my voice lower. That's not really working out so far.
Then my mom got me a paper somewhat phantom mask. And I loved it. And I had this colonial boy's hat from Colonial Williamsburg and I would wear both of them together because the Phantom has a hat in the beginning of the musical.
Then I decided I would be the phantom for halloween and started getting out those old witch costumes that are made of that really stretchy black fabric that gets runners easily and decided I would make it into a cape.
Then I saw the Phantom musical in Manila with my friends and it was absolutely perfect and that is what I am going to be going on about for the next for months. Sorry Les Mis, you've been put on hold.
Then my dad bought me the REAL phantom mask (see my other post) and am even MORE motivated to be the Phantom for halloween!

I wish someone was living in my walls behind my mirror.
Actually, that would probably really freak me out, but he could give me voice lessons. That would be neat!

Anyways, here's a picture I thought you might get a laugh out of.
Thank you Bailey for going along with all my stupid ideas. And pretending to be asleep or something.


  1. You do not know, how much the normal girl wants a voice as amazing as Christine's!! Hey, Erin, I will always remeber the good times we had through this fun picture. :)

    1. I really want a voice like Sierra Boggess'! I think that I can sing really good. (Personally) But it wouldn't hurt to improve a little!

  2. Ha, all of my friends seem to want a Christine voice here. But I want an Erik voice. Not fair. -_-
